How to Cope With Stress in a Stressful Style

Stress is one of the most common problems people face. It is important to know how to cope with it in a way that works best for you.
Understanding your coping style will help you to identify the right resources for you. Use our Personality Lingo Stress Quiz to find out which stress styles you have and learn strategies for improving your resilience to stressful situations.
1. Make a list of things that make you happy and optimistic.
One of the best ways to keep your outlook positive is to focus on the things that are going well in your life. To do this, make a list of the things that you are grateful for and write about them in your journal.
Doing this helps your brain to rewire itself to think more positively. In addition, it also can help improve your health and reduce stress.
Spending time with optimistic people is another way to increase your optimism. They will help you to see the good in all situations and will be a great support as you work toward becoming a more positive person.
Negative people, on the other hand, can be a huge negative influence on your mental state. You want to avoid spending too much time around people who are always seeing the bad in things.
2. Make a to-do list.
A to-do list is a simple but effective way of tracking tasks that you need to do. Using a to-do list correctly can help you stay on top of your tasks and reduce stress levels.
Keeping a to-do list can also help you establish flow, which is when you feel fully immersed in your work and can be productive. In addition, a to-do list can help you keep track of what needs to be done and avoid distractions like email and notifications that take you away from your task at hand.
Make sure you have a master list that lists long-term goals and a weekly project list that contains all of the tasks that need to be accomplished within the next seven days. After each day, see which items from your master list and weekly project list should move to a high-impact tasks (HIT) list.
3. Meditate.
Meditation is a simple, yet powerful way to focus your attention and lower stress levels. It’s also a great way to improve your mental health and reduce pain.
To meditate, start by finding a quiet space where you can sit still and focus on your breath. It’s OK if your mind wanders during meditation, so long as you come back to your breath when you notice it.
You can choose a variety of different meditation techniques, but many have similar goals: to achieve a state of deep relaxation and calmness. Regardless of which technique you try, you should practice regularly to see the best results.
4. Talk to a friend.
Whether it’s over a pizza, or simply taking time to sit in silence together, talking to a friend can be a hugely valuable way of supporting someone who is going through a tough time.
It’s important to listen to what they have to say, but don’t try to over-analyze their concerns or offer advice before you’ve heard them out. This could leave your stressed-out friend feeling like you are putting them down or trying to take control of their problems, according to psychiatrist Daniel Antony.
Instead, ask what they need from you and then deliver. Depending on the situation, they may just need to vent, or they might be looking for advice on what to do about their stressors.
5. Exercise.
Exercising is one of the best ways to manage stress. It reduces your body’s response to stress hormones, boosts endorphins and makes you feel good.
Exercise can also help improve sleep, mood and self-confidence. In addition, it helps you get your mind off your problems.
Whether you choose to exercise at the gym, in the park or in your home, it’s important to make it a habit. Set SMART goals and write them down so you can track your progress.
While aerobic exercises, such as running and dancing, are the most effective at releasing mood-boosting endorphins, gentler forms of physical activity can also be helpful for stress reduction. Try yoga or strength training.
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