Your Stress Ful Style

Stress is a physical and psychological response to an imbalance between demand and the individual’s ability to respond. It can lead to a wide range of symptoms, including heightened state anxiety, worries and a weakened ability to cope.
Stress can be prevented or relieved by taking time to relax, laugh, sleep and eat well.
S Styles
Stressful events can often trigger a person’s typical response style. It’s a learned habit, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be changed.
Those with stressful styles typically react to challenges by being impulsive and overly accommodating, putting the needs of others before their own. This can lead to lowered performance.
The C style is all about information, focusing on the details and seeing what others don’t. This can be a strength but also a weakness, as they can become bogged down in analysis and lose the big picture.
Together Sensing and Feeling are practical problem solvers, basing decisions on facts, what can be verified, and how they affect others. They value the emotional well-being of others and enjoy being of service.
C Styles
C styles are very analytical and logical, thinking through every detail of a project. They are conscientious, accurate and precise and take pride in their work.
They also tend to be very good problem solvers and are creative people. They do a lot of research before making decisions so they have a strong base of information to work with.
Their attention to detail can become too much and they may not have a full perspective on the overall picture. This can lead to them being overly critical of others.
They do not like conflict and will avoid it as much as possible, but they need clear boundaries to feel comfortable in their work environment or in relationships. It’s important to communicate with them when they have questions or concerns, but make sure to use facts and data rather than examples of people.
D Styles
D styles place a great deal of emphasis on shaping the environment and overcoming opposition to accomplish their goals. They are highly competitive, determined and resourceful people who like to move fast and take risks.
D Styles are very results driven and work well in jobs where they have the opportunity to oversee a larger organization while using their own area of expertise. D styles are also excellent in crisis situations.
As a result, they may feel stress in their relationships when they feel micromanaged or lose the ability to make independent decisions.
When communicating with D styles, be brief, focus on the outcome and provide alternatives when possible. Be sure to avoid generalizations and don’t repeat yourself too often. D Styles will appreciate a clear and concise approach to their issues and solutions.
E Styles
If you’re an E type, you may have trouble establishing clear style boundaries. When that happens, your stressful style tends to spiral out of control.
You might be tempted to take out your frustrations on anyone who crosses your path in the fashion world, or on your family members. That may work in the short run, but it’s counterproductive for your long-term health.
Avoiding stressful situations is an important strategy for people with secure attachment styles. Turkish students with secure attachment styles were more likely to actively plan to problem-solve and seek emotional and instrumental support from others in difficult situations (Baker, 2006).
You’ll be better off if you develop productive coping strategies that you can use to deal with stressful situations rather than running away from them, especially when they are more serious or longer-term. This can include meditation, visualization, and personal spirituality. You can also build up your resilience with good nutrition, sleep, and exercise, which will help you withstand future challenges.
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