Tips for Designing the Perfect Walk in Closet

When it comes to walk in closet design, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. These tips will help you create a space that’s both efficient and attractive.
First, decide how much clothing you want to store in the closet. Next, determine how many drawers and hanging spaces you need.
If you have a lot of clothes to keep organized, then a walk in closet is the way to go. They are much larger than regular closets, and can be equipped with shelving, double hanging rods, and drawers.
Drawers can store more than two to three times as many clothes (when folded) as hangers can, so you don’t need as many hangers! Plus they’re a great place to store accessories like belts, scarfs, and jewelry.
When designing a walk in closet, you’ll need to determine the ideal dimensions and consider wall and floor space. These considerations can help you create an efficient, attractive storage area tailored to your needs.
You’ll also need shelves for storing your clothing and shoes. You’ll want to choose shelves that fit the size and style of your closet.
Mirrors are a simple but effective way to add visual interest and enhance your closet. But it’s important to choose the right ones for your space.
The shape, size, and style of your mirrors should all be considered before you buy them. Taking mock-ups on butcher paper with the proportions of your room in mind will help you choose a design that works.
One of the most effective ways to maximize closet space is to install hanging storage accessories. These options come in a huge range of sizes and shapes and are designed to safely store everything from shoes and jackets to bags and belts.
The key is to select hooks that are strong enough to hold their weight without sagging or compromising your walls. Check the packaging to see how much a particular option can hold before you invest in it.
The right lighting can turn a walk in closet from an overcrowded storage space into a showpiece. Choosing the right fixture and bulbs for your space can be challenging, but it’s worth the effort.
In addition to ambient lighting, consider accent and task lighting for your walk in closet. Ambiance lighting provides a soft glow without glare, whereas accent lighting helps direct the eye to certain areas or items.
Adding rugs to your closet is a great way to add texture and depth. They also soften the look of your room, making it more inviting and comfortable to walk in.
Rugs are available in many different sizes and styles. Here are some tips for choosing the right one:
Generally, an area rug should fill as much of the floor space as possible while leaving about 18 inches between the perimeter and the wall.
‘Artwork is an important part of the design process for any walk in closet,’ says Sarah Fishburne, director of trend and design at Home Depot (opens in new tab). It adds a sense of personality and helps elevate the space’s mood.
Artwork can be anything that stirs your emotions, whether it’s a piece of architecture, a portrait, or a piece of music. It can change your perspective and bring new meaning to the world around you.
Adding accessories is one of the best ways to add personality and style to your walk in closet. These can include things like table lamps, wall art, or shelves.
Creating stunning accents for your walk in closet does not have to be expensive or hard to do. With a little planning and creativity, you can create the perfect accessories for your space.
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