How to Organize Your Walk-In Closet

Keeping your walk-in closet organized is a great way to keep your clothes and accessories clean. It’s also an easy and fun project.
To begin, empty your closet and sort everything into piles. Start with the keep, toss and donate piles, then put items into specific categories.
1. De-clutter
A walk-in closet has so many potential uses and can be a valuable storage space, but when it’s overflowing with clothes it can often feel like a cluttered mess. However, with a few simple organization tips, you can turn your closet into a clutter-free sanctuary.
The first step is to get rid of all the items that aren’t currently in use. This can be tricky, but it is essential to keep your closet organized and tidy.
Next, group similar items together and put them back into the closet in a way that makes sense for you. You can do this by type of item, season or even color tones.
Organize your hangers:
A mishmash of different hangers can make a closet look cluttered, so it’s important to use only wooden hangers for your clothes. These will help to prevent the hangers from sagging and ensure your clothes stay in place, which is especially important for heavier garments.
2. Organise your accessories
One of the most appealing features of a home is the walk-in closet, especially when it’s well-designed and organized. Unfortunately, many of us don’t take the time or resources needed to get the most out of this often under-utilized space. For example, most people have no idea how many items they own that could be stowed away in the small confines of their bedroom closet. The trick to making this a functional space is to plan for and anticipate what you will need in advance. A good strategy involves dividing the room into logically designated zones and arranging your belongings in order of priority, if not by style. For the most part, this is a relatively easy task. The most important aspect is to choose the correct storage solution, a strategy that will pay off in the long run.
3. Organise your shoes
Shoes are one of the most neglected items in closets. They tend to get thrown in a pile or shoved in a cheap shoe bag on the back of the door.
Shoe storage is an important part of getting your walk-in closet organized and making sure that your shoes last longer. Organizing your shoes can also help you to find them easily when you need them, which is always a good thing!
Tiered shoe racks and shoe cubbies work well in most closets. These open solutions are perfect for shoes that you wear frequently, such as flats or flip-flops.
Alternatively, create custom shelving for your heels. Heels are more delicate and can be nicked more easily than other shoes, so storing them on shelves helps to prevent damage.
Another great way to organize your shoes is by using baskets. You can categorize them and then assign a specific color or style to each basket. This is an easy and stylish way to keep your shoes in order.
4. Organise your handbags
Handbags come in so many different sizes, shapes, and styles that they can be hard to store properly. However, there are ways to organize your collection that will keep them looking and functioning their best while preserving the fabric and original shape of each bag.
– Hooks – If you have space, hanging hooks are a great option to store your bags. These can be installed on the back of your closet door or on either side of the closet wall.
Another great option to store your handbags is cubby containers. These are a stylish way to keep your handbags in style while storing them away from other items like shoes and clothing that may ruin them over time.
Other ideas for storing your handbags include utilizing drawers and open trays. These are great for storing small flat bags such as wristlets and wallets.
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